Can fruit juice complement your daily fruit intake?

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Can fruit juice complement your daily fruit intake?

2 min read

Across Europe, citizens are often advised to eat 5 A Day of fruit and vegetables. This is to reach the World Health Organization recommendation to get a daily dose of 400g[1]. However, it can be unclear whether fruit juice counts towards 5 A Day since different countries serve up different guidance.

In the UK,[2] we’re told 5 A Day can include plants prepared in a range of different ways, from fresh to canned and frozen. Thankfully, fruit and vegetable juices (including smoothies) also feature on Brits’ list of permissible fruit and veg options.

According to 2016 figures from Eurostat[3], just over a third (34%) of people aged over 15 years living in the EU didn't eat vegetables or fruit every day. Additionally, only one in seven (14%) actually met the target of five servings a day.

With so many people failing to achieve the recommended fruit and veg quota, simple and practical solutions are needed to help us boost our intakes. Fruit juice is a convenient and low-cost option, particularly given concerns about the cost of living.

Providing us with a range of essential nutrients and bioactives, this delicious drink comes with a minimum of fuss and mess. For example, a 150 ml glass of orange juice contains:

●      Vitamin C – 67.5 mg

●      Potassium – 264 mg

●      Folate – 32.3 µg

●      Total carotenoids – 1.1 mg

●      Hesperidin – 78 mg[4]

 Many countries also include fruit juice in their dietary recommendations. For example, you’ll find fruit juice on the menu in:

●      Bulgaria

●      Cyprus

●      Denmark

●      Estonia

●      Greece

●      Hungary

●      Ireland

●      Italy

●      Latvia

●      Lithuania

●      Poland

●      Portugal

●      Romania

●      Spain

●      Switzerland

●      USA

Any worries about dental health can be allayed by enjoying one daily 150-200ml glass of fruit juice at mealtimes. So, remember to keep fruit juice on the table when it comes to picking nutrient-dense, hydrating, and mess-free options that count towards your 5 A Day.

[1] Diet, nutrition and the prevention of chronic diseases: report of a Joint WHO/FAO Expert Consultation. WHO Technical Report Series, No. 916. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2003.

[2] 5 A Day: what counts? (2018).

[3] Eurostat. (2016). Consumption of fruit and vegetables in the EU.

[4] Fruit Juice Matters. (2019). NUTRITIONAL COMPOSITION OF 100% ORANGE JUICE.