Natural plant substance found in citrus fruits is new focus of coronavirus research


Natural plant substance found in citrus fruits is new focus of coronavirus research

1 min read

The COVID-19 pandemic has stimulated research into the contribution of diet and nutrition to strengthening our natural defenses.

A review, published in 2020, explored natural compounds in citrus fruits, especially oranges which could theoretically be of relevance in the context of the coronavirus pandemic.

Using computer modelling, scientists discovered that citrus polyphenols, such as hesperidin, seem to lock onto parts of the coronavirus structure during key stages of its lifecycle. This has implications for future strategies and deserves to be a focus on future studies.

In the meantime, it is well accepted that vitamin C and folate, two vitamins found in orange juice, contribute to the maintenance of normal immune function. Vitamin C also protects cells from oxidative damage.



Bellavite et al. (2020) Hesperidin and SARS-CoV-2: New Light on the Healthy Function of Citrus Fruits. Antioxidants 9, 742.

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